We’re delighted to announce the appointment of Paul Bryan as GSC's Junior and Mini Roos Coaching Coordinator for 2022. A new role for next season, Paul will be seeking to help all of our coaches from U7s up to U18s, both girls and boys, in:
- designing/planning training sessions,
- sharing coaching theory issued by FV and FFA,
- leveraging opportunities available to coaches to improve their coaching capabilities and in turn the quality of coaching our kids get at Gisborne; and
- generally helping us to install a culture that seeks not just to get the kids out there playing but also to educate them in the best way we can about how to play the game.
A Vets player with his own kids at the Club and a lifelong enthusiasm for the game, we are confident his personable nature and keenness to help will be a benefit to all our coaches and in turn, our kids learning to improve and love the game.
Welcome Paul!
Partnership Extended
We are delighted to announce we've extended our partnership with Builders Academy Australia (BAA), who in Season 2022 will be on the front of our Womens shirts.
BAA first partnered with us in 2020 and throughout the past two seasons have been hugely supportive of player development, particularly in our female football program.
Visit https://buildersacademy.com.au/ to find our more about BAA.
We thank BAA again for their ongoing support.
Junior & MiniRoos Grading Sessions - Update
Due to inclement weather which sees our pitches under water, along with a Covid-scare at the club, we are postponing tomorrows grading session.
We will still be holding the session on November 28, please see below for each teams times.
These sessions are for everyone who is looking to be part of our Junior & MiniRoos squads in 2022, it enables us to ensure each player is in a team that best enables their individual development, as well as ensuring we enter our teams in to the competitions that bests suit abilities.
Register your interest here to receive email reminders about the upcoming season.
Times are as follows:
U8’s 10:00am - 11:00am
U9’s 11:00am - 12:00pm
U10’s 12:00pm - 1:00pm
U11’s 11:30am - 12:00pm
U8’s 9:00am - 10:00am
U9’s 9:00am - 10:00am
U10’s 10:30am - 11:30am
U11’s 10:30am - 11:30am
U12’s 9:00am - 10:00am
U13’s 9:00am - 10:00am
U14’s 10:00am - 11:00am
U15’s 11:00am - 12:00pm
U16’s 11:00am - 12:00pm
U17’s 1:00pm - 2:00pm
U18’s 1:00pm - 2:00pm
U12’s 9:30am - 10:30am
U13’s 9:30am - 10:30am
U14’s 10:30am - 11:30am
U15’s 10:30am - 11:30am
U16’s 12:00pm - 1:00pm
U17’s 12:00pm - 1:00pm
U18’s 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Junior & MiniRoos Grading Sessions
We will be holding 2 grading sessions in November, as well as a 3rd in February (date TBC). The 1st session will be on November 14, the 2nd on November 28. Please see below for each teams times.
These sessions are for everyone who is looking to be part of our Junior & MiniRoos squads in 2022, it enables us to ensure each player is in a team that best enables their individual development, as well as ensuring we enter our teams in to the competitions that bests suit abilities.
Register your interest here to receive email reminders about the upcoming season.
Times are as follows:
U8’s 10:00am - 11:00am
U9’s 11:00am - 12:00pm
U10’s 12:00pm - 1:00pm
U11’s 11:30am - 12:00pm
U8’s 9:00am - 10:00am
U9’s 9:00am - 10:00am
U10’s 10:30am - 11:30am
U11’s 10:30am - 11:30am
U12’s 9:00am - 10:00am
U13’s 9:00am - 10:00am
U14’s 10:00am - 11:00am
U15’s 11:00am - 12:00pm
U16’s 11:00am - 12:00pm
U17’s 1:00pm - 2:00pm
U18’s 1:00pm - 2:00pm
U12’s 9:30am - 10:30am
U13’s 9:30am - 10:30am
U14’s 10:30am - 11:30am
U15’s 10:30am - 11:30am
U16’s 12:00pm - 1:00pm
U17’s 12:00pm - 1:00pm
U18’s 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Director Movements
We advise that the tireless Mikki Maheras will be relinquishing the role of Secretary at Gisborne Soccer Club to concentrate on the other role she has been performing for the past season - Registrar. Mikki will of course remain as a Club Director with this move.
Mikki has been balancing both Secretary and Registrar roles for the majority of Season 2021 to cover for a paucity of volunteers to fill them. However as we move into Season 2022 with Victoria seemingly on the verge of getting back to some form of normal, it makes sense to open up these roles and invite new people keen to support and direct the Club going forward.
Season 2022 should be a great time to be involved as we look forward to a more normal, and hopefully uninterrupted season next year.
Alongside the General Committee members, your volunteer run club operates on the basis that whatever you can commit is more than sufficient and we all muck in to help each other out and keep the show on the road.
If you care about the prosperity of the Club please consider seriously this opportunity to be part of a fun, supportive and accommodating team, keen to see as many footballing opportunities provided to both adults and children in Gisborne and the Macedon Ranges.
If this is something you think you can contribute to, please email volunteering@gisbornesc.com or call Richard Smart on 0430424597.
Annual General Meeting 2020/2021
Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Gisborne Soccer Club for the 2020/2021 Year will be held as follows:
Date: Monday 8th November 2021
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Dixon Field* and Online
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/exr-jqni-hrd
Or dial: (AU) +61 2 9051 7975 PIN: 478 197 657#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/exr-jqni-hrd?pin=2901923938188
Currently there are no planned elections for Director roles nor other roles the Club needs. However we have lots of vacancies and will be looking for volunteers as usual.
Current Club help/administrative roles
Current Club office bearers alongside vacant roles are published here:
Coaching Roles:
As you may have spotted on social media, the Club is in the process of reappointing season 2021 coaches and hope to try to get as many as we can in place early on. This will help a lot with getting grading and recruitment done, players allocated to teams, sponsors secured and then suitably sized kits ordered and received in time for the season start.
If you are interested in taking a more active role in the running of the Club in 2022 please email us at volunteering@gisbornesc.com or speak to any committee member about what you could do to help.
Any questions please contact the club at enquiries@gisbornesc.com
GSC Committee
* Decision to hold an in person meeting at Dixon Field alongside the online option is pending COVID restrictions at that date.
Season 2022
Expressions of Interest are now open for Season 2022.
Registering your interest ensures you’re on the mailing list so that you don’t miss any of the important information.
For Juniors & MiniRoos please register your interest here.
Seniors TBA.
We are also seeking a Technical Director for Season 2022, register your interest here.
Vale Ray Cakebread
It is with great sadness we hear of the passing of Ray Cakebread.
Ray was the most fair and caring coach for our Under 14-15s boys in 2017-2018, along with some assistant work with our Senior squad in 2011.
Gisborne Soccer Club extends its deepest condolences to his sons Marty and Alex, and wife Judy.
Rest in peace “Cakey”, you will always be remembered by our club as a gentle giant. May you shine bright in the night sky always as we look up.
Thank You to our Sponsors
Now that the unfortunate end to the season is confirmed and we keep our fingers crossed that our end of season presentation events might be possible in ways other than online, it remains to say a GIGANTIC thank you to all of our sponsors for 2021 (including those rolled over from the similarly impacted 2020).
Without your generous investments in our sponsorship offerings so much less would be possible at our club and for that we all thank you.
Whether its the 5 year olds charging about on a Saturday morning, the 11 year olds learning the ropes, the young adults strutting their stuff in the Gisborne sky blue or the 55 year olds hobbling home on a Wednesday evening after training. The people that mark the pitches, that buy the kits and equipment, that ref the games, that coach and manage the teams, that put out flags and cones and put them away again and the committee that make the decisions and keep the plates spinning.
THANK YOU for making soccer in this community the best it can be!
Update from the President
Confirming what everyone was expecting but today FV formally cancelled all leagues our teams play in for the rest of the season. Directors will meet next week with a full committee meeting on Monday 13th Sept (online of course) to work out where we go from here. Needless to say all GSC activities remain cancelled until further notice.
Update from the President
FV have cancelled all matches for the foreseeable future, due to the latest Covid-19 lockdown orders from the State Government. Accordingly all GSC activities remain cancelled until further notice.
Plea for pitch upgrade
This news article appears in the Star Weekly.
Resignation of Director
It is with great regret that must inform you that John Turner has resigned from his position as a Director of Gisborne Soccer Club and his role as Sponsorship Director.
With a significant amount raised from sponsorships this year following a very difficult period with COVID, the Club's financial position seems significantly less at risk than it was at the heart of the pandemic and John's contribution to that has been significant. However he has now found it necessary to take the decision to resign in the face of increasing business responsibilities of his own that require his time.
John is a long standing member of the Club having coached previously and with kids having played here. Despite this resignation, he remains one of our generous sponsors, a commitment he has made to the Club over a number of years via the Black Forest Motel. Additionally he will continue to strut his stuff in the vets team (hamstrings permitting) and advocate for the Club he has devoted so much of his time to down the years.
Thank you John for stepping into the breach at what was a tricky time for the Club and we look forward to your unmistakable presence around the grounds over the remainder of this season and for seasons to come.
President, Richard Smart
Update from the President
I'm delighted to announce that last week's Committee Meeting saw the appointment of Steve Hamilton to the role of Assistant Secretary and Director of Gisborne Soccer Club. Steve joins myself (Richard Smart), Mick Spasojevic, Kathy van Emmerik, Mikki Maheras and John Turner bringing our total number of Directors to 6 (constitutionally we need between 5 and 7).
Steve has two children playing at Gisborne Soccer Club this season and has been involved with the club for a number of years. With knowledge and experience in other Victorian local council capital and infrastructure processes he will no doubt prove invaluable as we try to tackle our floodlights issue and progress the Dixon Master plan, amongst other areas of workload in which we need some more help.
Welcome Steve!
Resignation of Director
I'm sorry to announce that Olga Bartasek has had to resign from Gisborne Soccer Club as a Director and our registrar due to the volume of her other personal commitments. However I am also pleased to let you know she has committed to continuing as a general committee member and is already providing input on how we can tailor our constitution so as to more clearly apply to situations the club might encounter.
Olga has been involved with the club for many years with kids playing here in a number of age groups and has even dazzled with her skills herself in the Soccer Sevens tournaments. Her willingness to step up recently, at a time of relative crisis was vital to the continuation of the club over the past year or two and her experience in the way community clubs operate effectively has guided us through with minimal damage. Additionally her contributions to boosting the status of women and girls at the club has been much valued and she has even found ways to get some of the kids contributing to the workload with her son Liam producing a promotional video for us! Just because we can't send them down the mines nowadays doesn't mean they can't make themselves useful! ;o)
Thank you Olga for your efforts and pleased to know you will still be around to help out.
President, Richard Smart
The Annual General Meeting was held last night, we wish to advise and congratulate the following people who were elected unopposed as club Directors for the next two seasons:
President: Richard Smart
Vice President: Michael Spasojevic
Treasurer: Kathy Van Emmerik
Registrar: Olga Bartasek
Secretary: Mikki Maheras
Sponsorship Director: John Turner
We wish to extend our thanks and well wishes to the former club Directors who have vacated their roles in 2020.
We’re always looking for more hands on deck so if you would like to get involved and help in some way please email volunteering@gisbornesc.com
Update from the Vice President
Hi Gisborne SC Members,
No competitive football for GSC the foreseeable future
Late yesterday I had verbal confirmation from a North West region representative that the Junior and MiniRoos leagues our teams were due to compete in starting this weekend have been postponed for the 6 week lock down period imposed by the State Government. Our Senior teams, who were not due to start until July 25, are also in postponed status.
Alternative options:
On the back of this, the observation that the region in which our club operates has not been locked down and requests from members, the Committee has resolved to investigate alternative footballing plans for the rest of this season that we can offer to our membership instead. They include:
approaching FV to discuss the possibility of entering teams into the Bendigo league (which will commit to only after consulting each team individually to confirm their interest in an opportunities FV can arrange). The Bendigo league began last weekend and have not been postponed due to state government restrictions
running intra-club tournaments on weekends (and ceasing midweek training to save on lighting costs - which average about $70 per night)
continuing to train as normal and possibly augment with coaching clinics and specialist external coaches for Junior and MiniRoos sides where we have access to funds for explicitly these reasons (I believe generally conditional sponsorship agreements)
Once these offerings have been fleshed out a bit more and approximately costed we can offer them on a team by team basis, via managers and coaches, for their consideration. In parallel we'll prepare an approximate cost incurred per member to date (lights, kit/uniform, registration, professional training, ground rent, etc) to establish what the club can afford to refund if parents or players prefer that option. Please note: we have no control or say in whether the FFA/FV portion of your fees will be refunded, this is determined by FFA/FV.
There are a few teams with a small number of players (and coaches) from lock down areas who are unable to take any options anyway and for those people we understand that cancelling their involvement with club activities this season is the only realistic option for them.
We understand this season has been an almighty drag and in some cases people just want to cut and run and we sympathise with that. However because the club is a not-for-profit organisation, and our budget set late in 2019 reflects this, it would go broke if everyone did that. Therefore we want to devise an offer that still enables everyone to participate in football activities, providing our members with value for money and prevents putting the club into administration. Administration costs will need to be paid out first (majority of this has been already been paid in preparation for the season) and conditional funds where not yet touched get returned to donors, sponsors etc.
In relation to refunds, as per above the club simply cannot afford to refund all members in full. The club would collapse. It was not in a good financial position at the end of last year* and the directors are working hard to correct that but it's really not a quick job. The COVID pandemic has only made that even more difficult.
As Directors of the club, all of whom are unpaid by it, we are obliged to do what they can to avert insolvency and administration. I remind you of who the Directors of the club are below, noting that the majority are extremely new, still getting to grips with how the club is run and financed, what it's assets and liabilities are and are trying our level best to get it through this very tricky time solvent.
If anyone wants to look in depth at the financial records of the club, Treasurer Mikki Maheras is happy to accommodate at some point**. I know it's cliched to say this but cooperation, tolerance and a bit of space to do this is really appreciated. As a community club we promise we'll do all we can to ensure that longer term, nobody misses out.
Richard Smart
Mel Paradiso - President (1st year), Director 2nd year, 4 years member of the club
Richard Smart - Vice President (1st year), Director 1st year, 5 years member of the club
Kathy Van Emerick - Secretary (3 days), Director 1st year, >5 years member of the club
Mikki Maheras - Treasurer (1st Year), Director 1st year, 2 years member of the club
Paul Gibson - Assistant Secretary (1st Year), Director 1st year, >5 years member of the club
Olga Bartasek - Registrar (1st Year), Director 1st year, >5 years member of the club
* Financial situation at the end of last year refers to the shed project that ran over budget. Under normal, non-pandemic, circumstances this would have corrected itself.
** Please note: this information is only available for current Gisborne SC Members and must be kept confidential.
Annual General Meeting 2018/2019
Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Gisborne Soccer Club for the 2018/2019 Year will be held as follows:
Date: Monday 6th July 2020
Time: 7:00pm online using the Google Meet application at this time.
Location: Online (To join the meeting – click or type the following link https://meet.google.com/oez-xoob-vqx )
The committee will endeavour to hold the meeting in person at the club rooms if possible and will make a determination of and update members by 5:00pm on Friday 3rd July 2020.
This meeting is required since the AGM held on Tuesday 12th November was adjourned as it did not comply with the requirements for an AGM in accordance with Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic).
We would like to bring to the attention of all Gisborne SC members that following the adjourned AGM the following Committee Members have stood down/resigned from their roles:
Rodney Smith - President
Julian Bakhurst - Secretary
Jarrod Greer - Assistant Secretary
Steve Gembarovski - Treasurer
These roles have been filled by:
Mel Paradiso - President
Tim Callinan - Secretary
Paul Gibson - Assistant Secrtary
Mikki Maheras - Treasurer
The following positions were also added and/or filled:
Kathy Van Emmerik - Assistant Treasurer
Olga Bartasek - Registrar
Susanne Tzamouranis - Junior Coordinator
The following continue in their positions:
Richard Smart - Vice President and Miniroos Coordinator
Jarrod Greer - Head of Senior Men’s Football and Media Coordinator
Glenn Matthews - Grants Coordinator
The following Members are part of the General Committee:
Julian Bakhurst
Justin Knott
Silvana Piccolo
Michael Spasojevic
We are proud to have a great team of volunteers to lead Gisborne SC into the future. We want to extend our thanks and appreciation to the previous Committee members for all their hard work.
The committee would appreciate as many members as possible involved with the meeting but we need to know how many will attend so we can manage under the COVID restrictions on gatherings. Therefore please advise the secretary by 5:00pm on Friday 03/07/2020 if you will be attending to guarantee admission.
Tim Callinan
Gisborne Soccer Club
Training Resumes
All of us at Gisborne SC are excited, relieved and grateful that training, albeit in a restricted form, is able to return this week amid the COVID-19 Pandemic.
We all know it has been a long and frustrating wait through this uncertain time. We acknowledge and fully support the protocols that have been set by Football Victoria for this return, which are available here. We recommend you read through them to familiarize yourself with what you need to do to stay safe.
Training is for players & volunteers who are confirmed REGISTERED MEMBERS of Gisborne SC. If your membership has not yet been accepted, please email membershipsgsc@gmail.com for further assistance.
Strict times are in place as per the protocols, your coach or team manager will advise you of what times you need to arrive & leave - THIS MUST BE ADHERED TO.
Dixon Field’s pavilions will remain CLOSED, parents/guardians dropping their kids off are advised to either stay in their cars (in the car park) or go home during training. You CANNOT be standing around spectating.
We thank everyone in advance for their help and understanding as we work through this together.
May Newsletter
Gisborne Soccer Club Committee hope that you are all staying well and safe in these isolating times.
Following on from recent communication from Football Victoria, the committee is actively preparing for a start to the season and we appreciate your responses to the survey about the restart of the season, in particular the desire to only play on the weekend and not mid-week.
To date the only information that we have on the likely restart is contained in this media report from The Age. We are expecting an announcement very soon and if what is reported is accurate then there is not much time to prepare, so we'd appreciate any help members can offer and ask for understanding at this time as we work hard to get things organised.
There have been some exciting developments at the club since we have gone into lock down but there will be some challenges that we will need to overcome this season as a result:
Extension of Season beyond the original planned finish in September and into October/November or even December
Macedon Ranges Shire Council (MRSC) will be renovating the old pavilion which means that we will not have access to the old pavilion or the new Shed so all operations will be based around the New Pavilion.
MRSC have completed repairing the damaged areas of the main pitch (see images below) and we need to keep off it for as long as possible to give it the best opportunity to flourish.
MRSC have also removed the large gum tree that was situated to the northern end of the training & MiniRoos pitches. This tree sadly suffered extensive damage earlier in the year when it was struck by lightning leaving the remaining section unsafe. Whilst we enjoyed the shaded area the tree provided we are excited that the area has now been turfed which allow the opportunity to extend our playing & training areas.
Gisborne Soccer Club Directors would also like to advise members of some changes to the Executive as follows:
Steve Gembarovski has resigned from the position of Treasurer with Gisborne Soccer Club, effective Monday 13th April 2020. The club thanks Steve for his contribution over the past 6 years. If any member would like more details including a copy of the resignation letter please contact the Secretary, Tim Callinan.
In accordance with Clause 9.5 of our Club Constitution, the majority of Directors have elected to fill this vacancy immediately and appoint Mikki Maheras who is a committee member and has extensive financial management experience and meets the requirements detailed in the Position description of Treasurer and as such will deliver the required outcomes for Gisborne Soccer Club Incorporated.
Justin Knott has resigned from the position of Assistant Secretary and will continue to contribute as a general committee member. The Directors have elected to fill the position of Assistant Secretary and welcome Paul Gibson to the position.
If you have any questions regarding these changes or anything else related to this season then please do not hesitate to contact Mel to discuss on 0491 737 954.