Resignation of Director

I'm sorry to announce that Olga Bartasek has had to resign from Gisborne Soccer Club as a Director and our registrar due to the volume of her other personal commitments. However I am also pleased to let you know she has committed to continuing as a general committee member and is already providing input on how we can tailor our constitution so as to more clearly apply to situations the club might encounter.

Olga has been involved with the club for many years with kids playing here in a number of age groups and has even dazzled with her skills herself in the Soccer Sevens tournaments. Her willingness to step up recently, at a time of relative crisis was vital to the continuation of the club over the past year or two and her experience in the way community clubs operate effectively has guided us through with minimal damage. Additionally her contributions to boosting the status of women and girls at the club has been much valued and she has even found ways to get some of the kids contributing to the workload with her son Liam producing a promotional video for us! Just because we can't send them down the mines nowadays doesn't mean they can't make themselves useful! ;o)

Thank you Olga for your efforts and pleased to know you will still be around to help out.

President, Richard Smart