May Newsletter

Gisborne Soccer Club Committee hope that you are all staying well and safe in these isolating times.

Following on from recent communication from Football Victoria, the committee is actively preparing for a start to the season and we appreciate your responses to the survey about the restart of the season, in particular the desire to only play on the weekend and not mid-week.

To date the only information that we have on the likely restart is contained in this media report from The Age. We are expecting an announcement very soon and if what is reported is accurate then there is not much time to prepare, so we'd appreciate any help members can offer and ask for understanding at this time as we work hard to get things organised.

There have been some exciting developments at the club since we have gone into lock down but there will be some challenges that we will need to overcome this season as a result:

  1. Extension of Season beyond the original planned finish in September and into October/November or even December

  2. Macedon Ranges Shire Council (MRSC) will be renovating the old pavilion which means that we will not have access to the old pavilion or the new Shed so all operations will be based around the New Pavilion.

  3. MRSC have completed repairing the damaged areas of the main pitch (see images below) and we need to keep off it for as long as possible to give it the best opportunity to flourish.

  4. MRSC have also removed the large gum tree that was situated to the northern end of the training & MiniRoos pitches. This tree sadly suffered extensive damage earlier in the year when it was struck by lightning leaving the remaining section unsafe. Whilst we enjoyed the shaded area the tree provided we are excited that the area has now been turfed which allow the opportunity to extend our playing & training areas.

Gisborne Soccer Club Directors would also like to advise members of some changes to the Executive as follows:

  • Steve Gembarovski has resigned from the position of Treasurer with Gisborne Soccer Club, effective Monday 13th April 2020. The club thanks Steve for his contribution over the past 6 years. If any member would like more details including a copy of the resignation letter please contact the Secretary, Tim Callinan.

  • In accordance with Clause 9.5 of our Club Constitution, the majority of Directors have elected to fill this vacancy immediately and appoint Mikki Maheras who is a committee member and has extensive financial management experience and meets the requirements detailed in the Position description of Treasurer and as such will deliver the required outcomes for Gisborne Soccer Club Incorporated.    

  • Justin Knott has resigned from the position of Assistant Secretary and will continue to contribute as a general committee member.  The Directors have elected to fill the position of Assistant Secretary and welcome Paul Gibson to the position.

If you have any questions regarding these changes or anything else related to this season then please do not hesitate to contact Mel to discuss on 0491 737 954.