Annual General Meeting 2020/2021

Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Gisborne Soccer Club for the 2020/2021 Year will be held as follows:

Date: Monday 8th November 2021
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Dixon Field* and Online
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(AU) +61 2 9051 7975‬ PIN: ‪478 197 657‬#
More phone numbers:

Currently there are no planned elections for Director roles nor other roles the Club needs. However we have lots of vacancies and will be looking for volunteers as usual.

Current Club help/administrative roles

Current Club office bearers alongside vacant roles are published here:

Coaching Roles:

As you may have spotted on social media, the Club is in the process of reappointing season 2021 coaches and hope to try to get as many as we can in place early on. This will help a lot with getting grading and recruitment done, players allocated to teams, sponsors secured and then suitably sized kits ordered and received in time for the season start.

If you are interested in taking a more active role in the running of the Club in 2022 please email us at or speak to any committee member about what you could do to help.

Any questions please contact the club at

GSC Committee

* Decision to hold an in person meeting at Dixon Field alongside the online option is pending COVID restrictions at that date.